I was a little girl, many many moons ago, and i remember my dad brought home Buster, i loved him so much.
Buster got out one day and was hit by a passing car ( a fast car).
I was around 7 yrs old and took off my brand new red jacket, wrapped him up and took him into my room.
We didnt have cell phones, i couldnt just ring up anyone. I knew mama and daddy would be home soon, so i just lay down next to him while he died.
I have never forgotten the feeling of having to be with a scared, hurt dog, knowing he needed someone to comfort him till he breathed his last.
Little did i know this was the start of my journey with animals and rescue.
I have tried my best to help any animal since then. Working at SPCA's, helping out at vets, different rescues and then starting my own. Everyday i wish i could do more.
But its getting harder and harder.
I am blessed to have family and friends who feel the same as i do, who will give everything they have, go without to save just 1 more animal.we don't go on holiday, we sometimes don't have for ourselves but our animals get fed, we make a plan to get a dog to the vet and we have a few amazing people who continue to help. .
We used to do outreaches, dipping, deworming, treating wounds etc, but our bakkie broke, petrol just keeps going up and people are themselves struggling.
My heart breaks when i cannot help all the time, when another person asks for food and i dont have, i or the team can give just so much of our own, we all have rescues or fosters, we all also have been through the past 2 years like everyone else.
When we used to get call outs to a farm we would go, a trip to Kuruman, we went, Crystal and I would spend a day driving around checking on animals, helping where we saw a need.
We cannot do this anymore, we cannot just drive to you or you or you, we cannot pay your R3700 vet account on promises that you never fullfill.
No matter how much this is something that fills my heart, that is a part of me and part of the KH family please do understand that we do not have the funds to do what we would love to do..that we used to do.
I would love to do more, help everyone, but some days i just want to say no more.
But then i look at Weggooi, i look out the window at Blue.
I answer the phone and say yes, im home, bring your dog, lets see what we can do.
I know this is a hard road, i never chose it, it chose me but sometimes i really do just wish that i could wake up and the medicine cuboard would be full, i had a combi or KH vehicle.
A nice farm if someone wants to give us one where i could have place for kennels and stables, a fund where i could just sterilise to my hearts content ( i can dream)
We will try our best, do our best.
To my KH family thankyou for all your time, your patience, love and everything you give of yourselves.
Please know how much i appreciate each and every one of you.
To my husband and children, my family, thankyou for all the years you have been on this journey with me, it hasnt been easy.
Luv you all so very much.
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