lindaleevisser@gmail.com Linda: 073 609 2543
kalahariheart@gmail.com Crystal: 81 098 3262
NPO 244-342
KALAHARI HEART NPC(2024 / 164020 / 08)
Tax registration number: 2024/164020/08
We are based in a small dirt road town called Deben in the Northern Cape, we do not rent seperate premises but keep all animals on the "vlei erf" of the home we rent.
So our animal welfare does not incur any costs on rent, electricity or other costs that would normally have to be covered like say a kennels.
We have an amazing landlord, who has let us run KH on the property for the past 4 yrs.
My husband pays the rent and electricity and he and i take care of the animals on a daily basis.
We hire extra hands when needed but have no permanent employees, we have a wonderful young volunteer who has helped us since he was 9 yrs old and he has an amazing love for animals.
We have a small KH family that help out and sometimes volunteers.
Our biggest expense is the vet account, feed, medicine and petrol.
We use my husbands bakkie when he is at home otherwise i walk to where is needed or people bring their animals to our gate.
We take in any farm animal but do not generally take in dogs or cats. We do send out to fosters where possible or help on our vet account.
At present we have the harness project, that is ongoing, we have received amazing donations of used tack which is being repurpossed to replace the conveyor harnesses used on the donkey carts.
This is ongoing.
We do outreaches in the rural community and many people come ask for dog or cat food, unfortunately we do not get much and and most often none at all.
We had an amazing sterilization day in July, 81 dogs and cats were neutered /spayed and all were vaccinated against rabies., As yet our funds are not sufficient for the number of rural dogs i have that need to be sterilized and i am hoping that i can include some donkeys as well for the next steri-day.
Our biggest wish at the moment is for a chip machine and chips to keep record of the equines in and around our area, theft and road accidents are a big concern.
We used to host street markets but we have noticed a drop in donated items as well as support at markets and look at other forms of events now that offer more value for our time.
Something we have always done is had an open house policy for children (families) to pop in anytime to come see our animals, learn about them and enjoy getting to know more about KH.
This we will be changing as it takes time and could be a good source of income for us.
We are just getting our premises in order, fixing fences and gates and new signs.
Most of our funds come from family and Debbie du Plooy has been our main supporter in obtaining the large donations that made such a big difference on our vet account.
Mandy is the lady behind donating the tack for our tack drive and she has also sent a number of horse blankets for not only our animals but others too.
My dear friend Mary who advocates for us and helps me with every sick horse that comes in has also helped us get medicines and funds.
We have plans ahead but for now they are being kept under wraps and i am excited for when i can share them.
Thankyou to each and everyone who has donated or made a difference to Kahalahari Heart, you are appreciated and valued.