lindaleevisser@gmail.com Linda: 073 609 2543
kalahariheart@gmail.com Crystal: 81 098 3262
NPO 244-342
KALAHARI HEART NPC(2024 / 164020 / 08)
Tax registration number: 2024/164020/08
Volunteer with us
At Kalahari Heart, we have a number of different animals that are kept at the yard.
All our animals come here due to one or another reason, this could be because of abuse, neglect, an accident or even because they were just not wanted anymore.
To take care of these beautiful and precious animals takes, clean fresh water at all times, food, time and love, we need volunteers to help us give each one the love and care they deserve.
Here by KH we believe love is just as important as medicine and proper care.
Education is so important and there is nothing better than seeing how the youth want to learn all about hooves, teeth, what the different animals eat and what they need to do to take better care of their pets and farm animals.
If you are interested in helping us give the love and care our animals need as well as learning the basics about farm animals and equines, contact us, we will be happy to have you visit us or chat online or via whatsapp.

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